Monday, October 31, 2011

...You just happen to be where everything feels fine

Hi everybody!

So, this blog is up again. Last time I wrote here was last year - I went to Germany for two months to work and kept this blog as a diary for me and my friends/family.

This time I will travel to Australia for six months! I've already booked my trip through Work & Travel and I do small preparations for my departure every day. :) Today I got my international driving license; it's a quite scary thought that I will be driving on the left side of the road in a couple of months!

Anyway, with a fresh layout and new adventures waiting I hope you will continue to read this blog. I also registered on ( where you will be able to follow my journey on a map. If you have any questions or just want to write a couple of sentences you can always reach me through my mail -!



  1. Please bring me along ..:D /K

  2. Åååååh vad fint att du ska blogga igen, älskade din blogg, älskar din blogg, och är så glad att få höra om allt som kommer hända i Australien hihi, kommer sakna dig massor dock. Puss!

  3. hope you have a great time down there Cathi! good luck with everything and have lots of fun!!!
