Thursday, April 12, 2012

A phenomenon called couchsurfing


Now, ever since I got to Melbourne again, I've been playing with the thought of trying couchsurfing. I've talked to a couple of people and they all say that they've heard good about it. Once I arrived, I decided to set up an account there and try my luck.

The thing is, I'm a very paranoid person. Everytime I talked about CS, I started off with "Sooo, couchsurfinf huh? I'm going to get kidnapped and raped.". A friend of mine responded with "You know they have like this thing where people can comment on their profile? So if there are a lot of positive comments, it should be good.". I didn't say it out loud (cuz it would make me sound crazy) but I still believe that they can trick you. Like, they've been nice to all the previous people until they find the person they want to kill and BOM. Ok. Don't ask me what bom stands for. But you get my point. (And yes, of course I'll be the victim). Anyhow, he also added that "Well, you know you can choose where you want to crash? What about staying at a girls place?"

Cool. Didn't think about that.

So I send out a couple of requests. Not a single person answered.

Suddenly, this feature pops up. Apparently you can post a message on this featurethingy. So I posted an ad with my travelplans - for how long I was going to be here etc. Turn my laptop off and go to cook food.

I log on the next day and I have 7 couchrequests. A bunch of Carlos', Josef's, Dominic's, Nick's etc. ALL of them in their 28-30's. ALL of them looking really... Um... Yea. Suspicious. I went to see this one guy who had like 28 positive comments but since he lived really far from the city, I decided to stay in the hostel.

Conclusion? Well I want to try this thing. Could be fun. I'm still a little bit sceptical though. But I told myself that I will try it before I head home, so I will keep you updated about it!


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